In the past couple of months, many of our students have become inspired to create structures and patterns using a variety of Sensorial materials. The materials are mathematically graded in size order, and all of the materials have ten pieces (specifically the knobbed cylinders, pink tower, brown stair, red rods, and knobless cylinders). Maria Montessori created these materials specifically to develop children’s visual and size discrimination skills. When children work with the materials in isolation (one material at a time), they develop concentration, spatial awareness and vocabulary (thick/thin, big/small, long/short or tall/short). When they begin to combine the materials and are challenged to create a pattern in size order, children develop critical thinking skills. Building structures requires them to consider balance and stability. Social/emotional skills are developed when children collaborate and have to compromise on or advocate for their ideas. They develop persistence and resilience when things don’t go the way they had hoped. Most importantly, children develop the belief that they are capable and they discover a joy for learning!
Sensorial Materials